


中国人的算命术有5000年之久,上至伏羲时代,下至到近代,源远流长,诸子百家,各有论述,这篇视频主要讲述中国人算命术的故事,这是其中一篇关于十天干中简单介绍。当然,只有两个字的话 ,局限性还是非常大的,所以准确率有待商榷,但两个字确实也能体现出很大的信息量了。所以诸君,请理智参考,具体的还是要参考八个字才会更加准确一些。

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Chinese fortune-telling has been around for 20,000 years, from the time of Fuxi to modern days. It’s a rich tradition with various interpretations from different schools of thought. This video offers a brief look at one aspect of Chinese fortune-telling, specifically the Yi Wood Yi You day pillar from the Ten Heavenly Stems. Of course, using just these two characters has its limitations, so accuracy might be questionable. However, these two characters still offer quite a bit of information. Please consider this wisely, and for more accuracy, it’s best to look at all eight characters.

